NAC Summer Music Institute

As I’ve mentioned in the past, for the past three summers I’ve been playing with the National Youth Orchestra of Canada in the summers. NYOC is a great program but I decided that it was time for me to do something new, so for the first time since entering McGill I didn’t audition this summer. Instead, this June I’ll be in Ottawa participating in the senior division of the National Arts Centre’s Young Artists Program. Whereas NYOC is an orchestra program with chamber music at the beginning of the session, the description of the YAP program states: “5 exceptional wind musicians will be selected for a unique one-on-one mentorship experience with their respective NAC Orchestra Wind Principal on orchestral & solo repertoire and together as a wind quintet coached by all Principals of the NAC Orchestra Wind Quintet.” So, that’s what I’ll be doing in June! I’m really excited to have a different kind of summer experience, and to study with the great players on faculty there.