
Archeological evidence indicates that irrigation systems existed in Oman from 2500 BC; here’s one that’s still hard at work today. The water looked really yummy. You ever seen a body of water that made you want to crouch down and slurp? You have now:

Falaj Daris, a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Contemplating a good slurp

You need a big fort to protect all that prime irrigated land, which Nizwa has, and has had since the 1650s, when Sultan bin Saif, the second of the Yaruba dynasty of Imams, got the massive fortification and castle done in less time than it’s taking to build the Eglinton Crosstown.

Me in his office

The fort from the outside, which I didn’t get a good picture of because it was getting dark– by Andries Oudshoorn,

Mike’s natural habitat, the coffee preparing room (not to be confused with the coffee making room)

POV: you are about to get boiling oil dumped on you

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