
For the past two years I have been playing in the summer with the National Youth Orchestra of Canada, a summer program running about a month and a half in length and including a chamber session, orchestral training session, and tour (usually to mostly cities in Canada and one or two in the US.) I will be playing in the orchestra again this summer, but before the session itself starts in June there is another fantastic thing that I get to do as a result of this program– the CIYO, Canada-India Youth Orchestra. This is a collaboration between the NYOC and the Indian National Youth Orchestra, and involves two phases. Last summer, four string players from the INYO came to London, Ontario to train and tour with us in the NYOC. This summer, about 30 Canadians pulled from the past 3 or so years of NYOC rosters, including myself, will be traveling to India to join with the INYO for two weeks of rehearsal and concerts. Tonight the orchestra members, staff, and donors attended a reception hosted at the Toronto Dominion Centre, and tomorrow we leave from Toronto and travel for nearly a full day, including a layover at Heathrow, landing in Bangalore to begin probably the most exciting orchestral adventure that any of us have ever been a part of! Happy summer!